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Hello world! The Dangers of an Echo Chamber Poetry Thunderdome podcast! Interview About “Shuttlers” Flash fiction: "In the City of the Faced" in Factor Four Magazine!

The #Writer’s Craft: Word Counts, Story Length & Story Structure

(Beth Turnage Blog)  I’ve written several posts on Quora on writing and thought I’d curate some here. You can call it laziness, but really it’s a lack of time since ghostwriting is keeping me very busy. Really. 😉 How do word count limitations affect what you can fit into a story? This is an excellent… Continue reading The #Writer’s Craft: Word Counts, Story Length & Story Structure

The #Writer’s Craft: #Edit using #Free SAS #Writing Reviser

(Beth Turnage) One gem in Google Apps is the free editing tool g.suite’s SAS Writing Reviser. Designed for school use, there is no reason why you can’t use it for your writing. Now, I love this thing, not only for its price point but also for the tools it offers, including, and get this, a… Continue reading The #Writer’s Craft: #Edit using #Free SAS #Writing Reviser

A Very Special FWO Weird #Christmas

(Beth Turnage Blog) From time to time at Fantasy Writer dot org we have submission challenges were we challenge each other to submit en massé to one publication to see how we fare. At Christmas, we participate in the Weird Christmas Flash Fiction Contest,where Craig, the owner of the site, chooses a few winners and… Continue reading A Very Special FWO Weird #Christmas

The #Writers Craft: One Big Step for #ProWritingAid: One Giant Leap for Writerkind

(Beth Turnage Blog) Christmas arrived in July when Chris Banks of Pro-Writing Aid made this announcement in their monthly email: Beta Testers Needed for our New GoogleDocs Add-On We are thrilled to introduce our shiny new GoogleDocs add-on! Now you will have access to the full ProWritingAid editor right within GoogleDocs. It’s brand new, however,… Continue reading The #Writers Craft: One Big Step for #ProWritingAid: One Giant Leap for Writerkind

Interview With The Author

Interviewer: We are here today with Beth Turnage, the author of Forced Labor and the sequel No Free Lunch, and the protagonist of those stories Arekan Mor’a’stan. Welcome, both of you, though, I must say it is unusual to have a fictional character sit in on an interview. Arekan: What the hells are we doing… Continue reading Interview With The Author

Comment on A new “Splash.” by Beth Turnage

I saw a trailer for the Magnificent Seven in the theater this weekend. It looked okay, but trailers can be deceptive. I agree that perhaps Hollywood should sometimes leave well enough alone but then there are other movies that beg for a better remake. Dune is one such story. How I longed for the SyFy channel version with the original movie’s cast. Of course that could never happen.

On the other hand there is plenty of new material that would suitable movie material, but I guess its easier to dig among the dusty piles of old movie concepts than to develop new ones. 🙂