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An Author Interview With Kelleen Rynin Author Interview: G. J. Dunn is Going Fourth "A Benthic Myth of the Deep Sea" in The Pink Hydra! Hello world! The Dangers of an Echo Chamber

The #Writer’s Craft: #Edit using #Free SAS #Writing Reviser

(Beth Turnage) One gem in Google Apps is the free editing tool g.suite’s SAS Writing Reviser. Designed for school use, there is no reason why you can’t use it for your writing. Now, I love this thing, not only for its price point but also for the tools it offers, including, and get this, a… Continue reading The #Writer’s Craft: #Edit using #Free SAS #Writing Reviser

I Am a Cat

I recently finished reading Soseki Natsume’s I Am a Cat, and shortly after I finished, Findus handed me the below reflections and insisted I publish them for him. So here you go. I am a Cat. The name they’ve given me is Findus. It’s as good a name as any, I guess; occasionally, I’ll even […]

Man of Steel

I have an uneasy relationship with superhero movies. As a lover of SF and fantasy, I appreciate the transcendent and speculative nature of the stories and characters. As someone that enjoys mindless action movies to unwind, the power and motion of the action-sequences are often mesmerizing. But as a teacher of literature, I’m also at […]