Author: Jonathan S. Pembroke

The Hidden Lessons of Moving Product

So … I spent some time this year (local pandemic restrictions permitting) at a handful of live events (craft fairs, holiday markets, etc), where I had a chance to do a little book selling. I’d not done it very much before; I mean, getting out and trying to sell...

Finish Something

So … I’m involved in a local writing group. Even in the backwoods of the high Arizona desert, we’ve managed to stitch together enough interested writers to have some peer reviews, writing exercises, and moral support. Our membership and numbers have fluctuated and we’ve had to make some adjustments...

Books on Sale!!

Hey readers! So, starting today (23 Aug) through Friday (27 Aug), my series The Holly Sisters is on sale. Book 1, Rumble in Woodhollow can be downloaded from Amazon for FREE. The other two e-books (The Mauler and Sylvan Valley Aflame) are marked down to $0.99 for the week....

Podcast! Me on One!

So … I was recently on the podcast over at Ben’s Book Shack to talk with Ben Kushner about family dynamics in fantasy writing and why it’s such a powerful source of material. Links below. The whole thing is about 50 minutes. Two caveats: one, Ben sounds great but...

Book Giveaways — How Not to be an Idiot

So …. I’ve been on both sides of the book-giveaway, as a writer and as a reader. In a way, I think the concept is really cool. As a reader, it’s a neat way to check out a new author or maybe get a signed copy from an author...

When Your Children Turn On You

Heartbreak … it’s inevitable in this life. Muse: Unless you’re a pyschopath. Are you implying something? Muse (whistling innocently): No, not all. When I think about heartbreak, I think about disappointment, but magnified. Most folks have experienced it at some point, whether it’s the job you didn’t get, the...

I like it dark. Dark! Okay, not that dark.

(Note: This blog entry contains spoilers for several fantasy works, including Abercrombie’s First Law series, Parker’s The Folding Knife, Moorcock’s Elric saga, and Tolkein’s Simarillion. If you don’t know or wish to know the conclusions to these stories, abort now.) So … I finished reading The Folding Knife the...


So, 2020 … a great year all around, amirite? Muse: Go sit down. Yeah, it was a rough year for a lot of reasons. But since my better half is always (rightly) encouraging me to be more positive and not such a pessimist, I thought I’d pick out something...

Something scary for Halloween, all right …

Okay, I did a thing. I read Twilight. (NOTE: There are some mild spoilers below.) Pause for collective sharp intakes of breath. Before I elaborate on anything, a little background. Five or six weeks ago, I was on the phone with my mom. Mom is interested in my writing...

Reviews Tell the Tale

So … I entered Rumble in Woohollow into this year’s SPFBO (Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off). If you’re not familiar with that, the SPFBO takes in 300 books and divvies them between ten book blogs and review sites. Each blog picks a finalist and the ten finalists go head-to-head and a...