Pirate’s Luck~Chapter Ten-Discount Skin Ticket

Chuck Wendig’s Flash Fiction challenge was to pick one of ten titles and write a story to it. At first, my inner muse said “write something pretty,” but then that old dog, Arekan whispered, “You’d been looking for a entree into the next chapter of Pirate’s Luck.”  Though it...

100K words!

Ladies and Gent’s, I present…
Word count: 101,793!!!!  (26355 more since last post.)
Progression: Posted up to chapter 20 of an estimated 39; working on chapter 21.

Well now… I must say I am quite pleased with myself. I clearly recall sitting at about 30K words and thinking “How the hell...

Oculus Rift

I had my first foray into the world of virtual reality with an Oculus Rift, and I thought it warranted a few words of review. I’ve been unusually tight on both time and energy to work on writing, but VR turns out to be another easy way to slip...

2017 Goals

Goals for the New Year...

Bloodlust in Our Hearts

Happy New Year, dear friends. So…. In the course of my daily perusing (i.e., wasting time), I came across this article discussing a Russian reality show called, “Game2: Winter.”  Essentially, the concept is to dump thirty contestants in Siberia for months and whoever emerges alive at the end of...

Pirate’s Luck~Chapter 9–Arekan’s Promise

Arekan didn’t want to face the crew or Grokin or Etharin. His stomach rolled queasy cramps, and he had a blazing headache. He stumbled past the entrance to the crews quarters. no occupied the this time of day, but anyone of them was likely to pop in so he...

#BookPromotion: #Free #TweetLove From #ReadersGazette

Readers Gazette has one sole mission–putting readers and writers together. How cool is that? On their site a writer can list their kindle books and their blogs for the totally affordable price for FREE. Yep. Zero dollars.Totally within my price range. But what is even better is that they’ll...

Interview with the #Scifi #author

Oh no. No one actually interviewed me. But over at Fantasy-Writers.org a member posted a thread asking us about how we started as writers and then added a few more questions. It evolved into an interview of sorts so here goes: 1.How did everyone get their start in writing...

2016 Standout Awards

Originally posted on One Book Two:
Hello and welcome to the Second Annual Standout Awards by One Book Two! What are these awards, you ask? Well, let me tell you. One Book Two Standout Awards are given out by One Book Two reviewers to honor titles and artists...